Automate your workflow with our SFA solutionAutomate your workflow with our SFA solution

Company, managers and its workers – these are three patches that cross in one field and complement each other on the way to success. When it comes to sales activities, efficiency plays a vital role. Do you want to sell more and faster? Invest in a solution that automates key sales processes. Here is why you need SFA platform.

Manage sales targets effectively

High sales results can be achieved through small steps. Every stage, including work planning, cooperation and contact with retail customers, must be well thought-out to bring desired effects. This is why you need a Sales Force Automation platform. This is a solution dedicated to sales managers and sales representatives for easier management of day-to-day operations.

It supports everyday work of:

  • sales managers – by helping to conveniently manage sales targets and control business processes of field sales teams
  • sales representatives – planning, sales analysis, obtaining information from the market and taking care of product image in stores become automated, which greatly improves the effectiveness of daily tasks

The SFA software is a product of Infinite IT Solution, a European leader in digital tools for large companies. It is a proven and reliable platform for sales departments that want to streamline everyday processes and increase essential numbers.

The main functionalities of the Infinite SFA system

Business decisions are better when made on reliable data. Therefore, you need a solution that is functional enough to make you a well-organized and effective employee. The main functionalities of SFA system are:

  • sales process support – you will be able to create and present orders to your retail customers in an attractive way, as well as define offers and create individual price lists,
  • easy administration – SFA is a multilingual platform that allows for remote updates and effective process configuration with access to files, reports, privileges, and dictionaries
  • planning and managing sales – this includes defining tasks, work planning and the management of sales structure, along with monitoring of objectives and the measurement of KPIs,
  • better customer service – as a sales representative you have access to partnership and transaction history, you are also able to recover receivables more effectively,
  • returns and compliant submissions – you will be able to validate returned goods with the customer’s purchase history, easily handle the status of complaints and even attach the photos of a damaged delivery

How can you benefit from SFA solution?

With so many features, you can effectively manage your long- and short-term commercial goals both as a sales manager or a sales representative. SFA automates key business operations, which greatly improves the efficiency of a sales department. What is more, you have an ongoing control of the activities of your subordinates, and you are well-oriented with the current situation of the serviced market area.

Streamline your workflow with Infinite SFA and gain a competitive edge over your business rivals.